Research shows that laughter can boost the immune system and increase endorphins in the brain. A hearty laugh or giggle can help actually decrease stress and increase your physical and mental health.
Laughter provides a distraction. Instead of worrying about the project you have due or an impending appointment, try humor….it can give your brain a break from worrisome thoughts that cause stress.
In a bad mood? Offset it with a good laugh, often choosing the opposite emotion that we feel can diffuse the anger and depression we are feeling…laughter produces an overall sense of well-being.
When we’re absorbed in worry, our brain releases cortisol, the primary stress hormone that signals the body that we’re in fight or flight mode. Laughter decreases cortisol by increasing the intake of oxygen and stimulates circulation throughout the body.
Let’s not forget about endorphins…they’re the “feel good” chemicals produced by the brain that enhance happiness levels. Laughing increases the number of endorphins released in the body fights off stress and promotes a positive mood.
Finally, laughter is a vital part of the connection. A shared laugh with another person helps form a strong and lasting bond. Humor is a powerful way to heal past disagreements or resentments.
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